Lightning PD
美規 / 歐規
蘋果快充組 20W
.USB-C PD充電器支援iOS與Android手機快充,也可充Switch/平板/行動電源(裝置需具備此功能)
.適合iPhone 20W快充設計,充電30分可補充50%電力(依據iPhone 12 系列為基準)
輸入:AC100-240 0.6A 50/60Hz
USB-C PD 輸出:DC 5V/3A, 9V/2.22A,12V/1.67A (20W Max)
尺寸:美規 : 31mm *53mm *31mm ; 歐規 : 35.7mm *74.2mm *31mm
重量:46 +/- 5g
長度:150 cm
重量: 30 g +/- 5g
保固:18 個月

Lightning PD Fast-Charge Pack 20W US/EU

USB-C PD is able to output 20W of power, compatible with the fast-charging protocol of Android/iOS devices, or other PD compatible multimedia devices for quick battery recharge.

With a wide range of voltage support from AC 100V to 240V, the Elec PD charger will fit all your needs whether it’s for business or travel. (Adapters required in some areas)

Lightning PD Fast-Charge Pack 20W US/EU
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